Travelling hopefully!
Post date: Apr 22, 2011 9:58:41 AM
There is an old saying (Iused it in my old blog once!), its better to travel hopefully than to arrive. Well last night could probably fall into that category I guess but we were just glad to get home. J had been to Sheffield to visit Charlotte (her daughter) and family, was flying back into Jersey during the afternoon then met me from work so we could go and catch the ferry back to St. Malo and then drive home. Well there was an infeasibly large number of people waiting for the ferry and we ended up leaving nearly an hour late (Condor Ferries management of people, boarding, loading and unloading really leaves something to be desired on occasion). Then it took an age to get off the ferry though fortunately customs and passport control in France knock off at 9pm so at least getting out of the ferryport itself was easy. All delays taken account of though our original 'ETA' back at Huelgoat of midnight ended up as 2pm local time. Ah well, at least being Good Friday we got to have a lie in but in future we may well make our travelling daytime rather than late at night.