The shack - Rozel 2007 to 2009
The original HF rig, the FT747GX which has got me some excellent contacts, and the FT707, the rig I always wanted to get
The 2metre multimode FT480r, my first amateur rig in its earlier mobile guise, and the FT101ZD brought back from the dead with much fettling and new valves (since sold)
Ten metre only Realistic mobile rig is kept as back up in the car and has netted some good Es contacts, main mobile shack comprises the FTM10r for
properly hands free mobile VHF/UHF and the outstanding FT857d with the main rig mounted remotely in the boot.
The good old FT290r which at approximately 30 years old still gives good results, and the rather more matcho FT857d working portable in a rucksack!
Latest acquisition (perhaps the time has come to learn morse!!) a Vibroplex Lightning 'bug' morse key - my mate Mike 2J0SZI enjoying the facilities at MJ0RZD
The excellent Hustler 5BTV now modified for 17m and 12m making it a 7bander, good guying, earthing, balun and radials essential for best results I find.
Excellent mobile rig, the FTM10e with bluetooth headset operation, also the original VHF rig still in use in the shack linked to a 7 element crossed ZL special