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Home by the sea - Rob Luscombe
At close quarters
Cyprus 2013
Forgotten cars
Forgotten cars again!
Gondolas and Gondoliers
Huelgoat and environs
Images of Jersey
Morning light
On the beach
Venetian back alleys
Venice 2009
David and Sadie
Matt and Becky
Rob's cameras etc
Robs film cameras
Amateur Radio
M-zero the UK shack
CB Radio - back in the day!
Jersey Amateur Radio Society
Jersey two metre Repeater - GB3GJ
Back to the front?! JARS in 2021/2
The shack in France - F4VPJ
The shack in France - new for 2012, updated 2017
The shack in Jersey - 2010
The shack - Rozel 2007 to 2009
Mobile/portable radio
Yaesu FT-1000MP Mk.V
Yaesu FT736R
Yaesu FT-857d
ICOM IC-7000
Portable radio with the FT857d
Portable radio with the FT817ND
Portable radio with the FT290R
Yaesu FT 480r overhauled
Yaesu FT-290r - welcome back!
Yaesu FTM-10R
New DMR radio
Vortex Q82 (Sigma IV for the 21st Century)
Fidelity 2000 CB Radio - the past revisited
President AR144 - a 'blast from the past'!
President Jackson (silver front 1982)
VHF/UHF with Icom
Old Yaesu's
Me and my 'new' short wave receiver!
Yaesu FRG8800 short wave receiver
Yaesu FRG7700 short wave receiver
Yaesu FT-707 re-visited
VHF SSB and other ramblings
The Kenwood TS-450S
Out and about in Jersey
z - In memorium - Reg Allenet GJ3XZE
z - In memorium - Steve Huelin MJ0ULE
z - In memorium - Steve Whitfield MJ0SIT
Dad's old cars!
My car's
2021 and all that!
The wish list!
Family Album 2008
Family Album 2009
Family Album 2010
Family Album 2011
Family Album 2012
Our Wedding - 17th July 2010
France and our French Blog
A moving to France blog
Beware the call centres!
Big News!
Don't get ill (unless your British!)
Double taxation issues?
Expat tips!
Language woes (and tax!)
Long time since update!
Merci Mathieu!
Moving to France from Jersey
Moving to France!
Sorting out healthcare and stuff
Still here, still travelling!
Survival kit!
Travelling hopefully!
Some information
Leaving France
Around Huelgoat
Autumn colours
Market day
Our move to Huelgoat, April 2011
The babble barbecue 15th May 2011
Wet and wintry
Jersey airshow 2008
Jersey summer 08
Snowy Rozel
The old website at etribes
Home by the sea - Rob Luscombe
The babble barbecue 15th May 2011
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